Welcome to LearnWPF - a community site to help people learn about Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). WPF was introduced at the Professional Developers Conference (PDC) 2003 under the name Avalon. It is a new presentation layer for WIndows XP, 2003 and Vista that leverages the power of modern GPUs, allows developers and designers to use xml-base markup to define UI, and includes a number of great features for making captivating UIs. This site started as a whole bunch of WPF-related links that I was constantly emailing to myself, bookmarking, copying into notepad or otherwise losing. Here I hope to gather the best WPF content from around the web, as well as producing some tutorials and how-tos focused on doing simple and beautiful things in WPF.
Many thanks to Darren Neimke for writing Single User Blog which I have co-opted as my platform for this site, and for his thoughts on starting successful community sites. Thanks also to Grant, Dominic, Nik and others who gave me feedback on the look-and-feel that I came up with for the site. Honestly, they tried to talk me out of the whole brown and orange thing but I wouldn't budge.