How do I Create a Borderless Window in WPF?

I was asked today how to create a borderless window in WPF with no window "chrome" and no gray 3-D border. This is desirable for windows like splash-screens. The Window class in WPF has a property WindowStyle, which can be set to either None, SingleBorderWindow, ThreeDBorderWindow or ToolWindow. While the "None" value sounds exactly like what is required, the window still renders with a gray 3-D border as shown below.

Window with Gray 3-D Border

To make the window display without this gray border you need to also set the ResizeMode property of the window to NoResize.

Xaml Code (WPF Beta 2/June CTP)
<Window x:Class="LearnWPF.BorderlessWindow.Window1"
    Title="LearnWPF.BorderlessWindow" Height="200" Width="200"
    Background="White" WindowStyle="None" ResizeMode="NoResize"
  <Border Padding="5" BorderBrush="#feca00"
          BorderThickness="3" Width="150" Height="150">
    <TextBlock>Learn WPF!</TextBlock>

Window with No Border

To create irregular-shaped (non-rectangular) semi-transparent borderless windows with the June CTP and later see this posting from Lauren Lavoie.