With Expression Blend now officially released, and included as part of an MSDN subscription it seems to be an increasingly important tool for WPF developers as well as designers. Here are 4 recently announced books that can help you get up to speed with Expression Blend.
Expression Blend Unleashed
by Brennon Williams is scheduled for release in October and will be around 500 pages long. Brennon runs the http://expressionblend.com community site. This is Brennon’s first book project that I know of.
Pro Expression Blend by Ryan Moore and Darren Lutz from APress is scheduled for release in late August and will be around 400 pages long. Ryan is also the author of a book on ASP.NET for flash developers.
Professional Expression Blend written by Shawn Livermore, Rob Ferrante, August Banks and Tony Ferreira brings together many of the “usual suspects” from Wrox’ stable of authors. It is scheduled for release in late July, and will be around 400 pages long.
Expression Blend Bible
by Gurdy and Mary Leete from Wiley and scheduled for release in early June. It will be around 750 pages long. Gurdy has previously authored a number of books on Macromedia (now Adobe) Flash.